Thursday, 24 January 2019

Vintage Furniture

Oscar Niemeyer / Rio Chaise Lounge 

As well of the great masters of modern architecture , neither Oscar Niemeyer has missed the opportunity to show his commitment to the curve lines in the furniture design area.

One of his most successful designer projects is an  rocking chaise symbolically  named  Rio. In a unique and unmistakable Niemeyer style, inspired by the feminine curves and his personal relationship with the nature represented by the environment and the city of Rio, a work of masters is created which even as just an  exhibit items keep breathlessness every passionate chair designer and especially vintage chairs collector.

Curiosity is certainly the fact that this chair was designed in 1978 together with her daughter Anna Maria Niemeyer.


Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886-1969), a German-born architect and designer, one of the 20th century’s greatest architects. He was a pioneer of the new generation of architect,  that wisely used industrial materials  in construction of buildings, as well as their using for a home and office interior accessories. He was a leading figure in Berlins avant-garde life, and his designers path was traced simultaneously from many generation of architects, when he reveilles his genius Barcelona Pavilion building.

Photo credit: Werner Blaser

Among many of his powerful and in the same time very minimalistic creation in architecture,  he spend a lot of time to study  and design a new models of chairs, with tubular metal chrome in combination with the leather.
Unlike other of his colleague from Bauhaus, he even dare to put the screw on the outside of the tube just like in the case of his MR 20, but that detail could not minimize sophisticated curve that he made and the double tube that gives this chair a massive but in the same time sophisticated look that was a step further in cooperation with other models that was made by Mart Stam , Marcel Breuer , Dieckmann,  Lily Reich...

Bauhaus furniture nowadays are fashionable and many designer combine that items with other style or just put them in the interior as an decoration because of their superb design, that even  after 50 years or more still stay  breathless  every  real lover of furniture  design. The tubular steel furniture of the 1920s and 1930 s in that time presents a new wave in furniture design that put in the history all the massive furniture and decorative trinkets. The structural clarity of tubular steel furniture embodies a new approach  in chairs design where's the chairs pick up the lights and the interior in his metal reflections that  gives the furniture a new 4th dimension in space.

Friday, 21 December 2018

Mihajlo Mitrović

In Memoriam

profesor Mihajlo Mitrović

Slučajni susreti sa velikim stvaraocima, najčešće postanu sudbinski. Oni  nadalje ostaju tako jaki, da Vas od tog časa pa sve dok i sami funkcionišete, oplemenjuju i nadahnjuju za dalji rad na profesionalnom ali i životnom planu. Prilika i čast da upoznam čuvenog kolegu Mihajla Mitrovića, njegovu suprugu i unuka, pružila mi se mi se pre 15 godina, kada sam se sa njim igrom sudbine, našao u istom redu za sedenje tokom avionskog leta ka Kritu. Razgovor se tokom putovanja spontano pretvorio u poziv od strane profesora da zajedno obiđemo arheološki lokalitet Knosos. Običan poziv za druženje i zajednički obilazak lokaliteta,  pretvorio se u veliki užitak i čast, da Minosovu palatu obidjem u društvu moje tadašnje verenice( današnje supruge), i da nam prilikom tog obilaska profesor Mihajlo Mitrović lično, bude predavač - vodič kroz arhitekturu minojske civilizacije. Čarobni i nadahnuti profesorovi opisi, su nas uz laganu šetnju i malo mašte, vrlo brzo vratili u doba moći i snage minojskih vladara, o čijoj vladavini i posle 3.5 hiljade godina, ponosno svedoče ostaci arhitekture, kao jedinstvene sinergije arhitektonske estetike i savršenog urbanističkog plana dvora, koji je nesumljivo ukazivao na visoke estetske ali i inženjerske domete graditelja tog doba. 

Prateći stope velikog umetnika i inženjera hodali smo po tragovima prošlosti Minojske civilizacije

Kao neprikosnoveni vladar arhitektonske teorije ali i prakse Jugoslavije , danas Srbije, prof. Mihajlo Mitrović je za buduća pokolenja ostavio veliki broj jedinstvenih i upečatljivih  dela poput "Geneks" kula kao jedan od njegovih najznačajnijih arhitektonskih poduhvata, koje su se sa pravom našle na naslovnoj strani kataloga za izložbu pod nazivom  "Ka betonskoj utopiji: Arhitektura u Jugoslaviji 1948-1980" u MOMA galeriji u Njujorku tokom upravo ove 2018. godine.

Držeći dostojanstveno vrhunski nivo brutalističkog pristupa arhitektonskom stvaranju, kojeg na internacionalnoj sceni predstavljaju objekti poput Korbizjeovog "Saint Marie De La Tourette " manastira sagrađenog pokraj Liona u Francuskoj 1960 godine , "Gimnazije Kagava Prefekture" u Japanu autora Kenzo Tange, Kompleksa " Habitat '67"  Moše Safdie, u vreme kada Luis Kan stvara svoje revolucionarno delo "Daka Parlament" u Bangladešu 1982, profesor Mitrović bravurozno projektuje poslovno - stambeni objekat "Geneks" kule na Novom Beogradu.

GENEX kule

Arhitektura iz serijala "Ratovi zvezda", odjednom tih 80- tih postaje stvarnost na arhitektonskom nebu Jugoslavije, Srbije i Beograda. Kule "Geneks" ponosno streme ka nebu i budućnosti (baš kao i neki od objekata iz pomenutog serijala ) što je u vreme njihove izgradnje bila jedinstvena prilika da se jugoslovenski brutalizam, dostojno predstavi na internacionalnoj arhitektonskoj sceni sa takvim svetskim kreatorom i misliocem kakav je bio profesor Mihajlo Mitrović.
Za njegov urbanistički i arhitektonski opus je svakako potrebno daleko više prostora, ali je u ovom trenutku potrebno pomenuti, da je njegovo oštro pero bilo nepresušni korektor javnog mnjenja po pitanju mnogih stavova o arhitekturi , prostoru ali i razvoju gradova Srbije. Njegov otvoren i jasan stav i neprestana borba sa mediokritetima, koji iz čiste sujete nisu videli i prepoznali značaj profesije arhitekte radi promocije svojih sopstvenih ideja, trajala je do njegovih zadnjeg dana fizičkog boravka na našoj maloj ali svakako lepoj planeti Zemlji. Beležiti uspehe drugih kolega, i pisati o njima sa takvom strašću, osobina je samo velikih humanista i ljudi bez sujete, pa nam je pored svih projekata i tekstova profesor kao vrednu zaostavštinu ostavio i knjigu "Arhitektura Beograda 1950-2012".
 Ono što nas je profesor Mihajlo naučio i ostavio nam u amanet, je da se kvalitet i trajanje u arhitektonskom stvaralaštvu može postići samo posvećenošću i velikim radom na istraživanju i pripremi teme, o kojoj bi neko pisao ili kreirao - projektovao ambijent, koji bi samo na sa takvim pristupom postao trajna vrednost, i to ne pojedinca već grada, države ali i internacionalnog nasleđa, ukoliko se to delo na adekvatan način predstavi, održava i štiti. Ovaj tužni trenutak kada nas je profesor napustio, je možda i prava prilika da se nasleđe "moderne" a posebno veliki broj objekata koje je profesor Mihajlo Mitrović projektovao, stave pod zaštitu države kao reprezentativni primerci arhitektonskog nasledja druge polovine 20. veka. Tako bi država Srbija imala priliku da se na adekvatan način oduži svom velikom stvaraocu i kreatoru arhitektonske misli Srbije, koji nije imao dlake na jeziku kada je bilo potrebno polemisati o kvalitetu i pristupima urbanizmu i arhitekturi na čitavoj teritoriji Srbije, ali koji je svoj stav gradio na dragocenim iskustvima majstora arhitektonskog zanata, u koje je nesumnjivo i sam spadao.
Dragi profesore Mihajlo, hvala Vam na Vašim delima a posebno na  rečima koje ste nam ostavili u POLITICI pišući o arhitekturi na takav način, koji je mnoge generacije zahvaljujući Vašem umeću i talentu za pisanje,  uveo u svet arhitekture na najlepši način na koji se ona može rečima predstaviti .

Friday, 26 October 2018


Drug arhitekta,

Pored nenadmašnog scenarija iz filma "Tajvanska kanasta" potpisanog od strane tada talentovanih mladih, a danas bardova filmske i pozorišne režije Gorana Markovića i Milana Nilkolića, sa neprevazidjenim likom Saše Belopoljanskog, koji u situaciji bez tate i širokih ledja, uzima sve poslove ne bi li preživeo a koji mu na kraju dolaze glave, Milić Vukašinović  1982 piše tekst o svom bezimenom drugu arhitekti sa vanvremenskom dimenzijom koja je univerzalna gotovo već 40 godina. 
Njegov lik je ipak preživeo i napustio sredinu koju je 
Milić Vukašinović - Vatreni poljubac
tako jednostavno i vrlo realistično opisao u svojoj pesmi :

Moj drug je otiš’o van

Arhitekta je moj drug
Zaista nije imo kud
Najbolji je bio od svih
Al’ nije bio jači od njih
Jer on nije tatin sin
Njegov tata nije džin
Pod prezimenom ne znaš ih baš
Nije u igri dam ti, daš
Moj drug je otiš’o van
I sada isti moj drug
Širom svijeta je poznat svud
Govorio je i pad je let
On sada gradi za svijet
Al’ on nije tatin sin
Njegov tata nije džin
Pod prezimenom ne znaš ih baš
Nije u igri dam ti, daš
Moj drug je otiš’o van

Tuesday, 6 March 2018


Its is really a great pleasure, 
when in this fast and stress everydays life, 
you find a peace of music,
 that could really slow you down 
even just  for a 6:14.

Saturday, 22 July 2017


Its a holiday 

 In the past two-decade I'm a passionate traveler and visitor of the worlds most interesting hotels for a vacation. Hotels as a theme, became my architectural focus, mostly because of my graduated project for MSc at the Belgrade University ,which was a design for a hotel in Kragujevac / Serbia.

Greece / Rhodes

When you imaginethe best beaches and the clear water, and planty of history you must be visited Greece. Every island has his own beauty but Rhodes has those magical mixture that perfectly blend beautiful hotels, beaches and history with preserved cultural monuments.

The street of the Knights

Architecture that proudly presents the modern international style with white facade and glass terrace that will never be out of architectural trends. Pool with the position just by the sea and with the size that could provide swimming with a maximum joy.

Eden Roc hotel and pool

Pleasant and very polite hotel stuff, is ready to help you in every moment with any kind of problem or need that you have. One of the greatest Rhodes bay with family resort and beach in front of the hotel .

Eden Roc bay and beach 

Eden Roc for sure is the best choice for great holiday with a hiden location with just couple of minute drive from the town of Rhodes.


Besides Rhodes on the continental part of Greece one hotel resort also occupy my attention.That was Porto Caras at Halkidiki. Before we came in to these resort, I was reading a history of an modern architecture, where I find some intersting details about one of his last architectural performanse from the famous Walter Gropisu which was that resort at the Sithonia.

The resort has his own marine, where I saw the beatiful boats designe. It was really a pleasure for me, to be in the same time with famous architectural designe of the hotel and with such a great boat designe, that probably even inspired the Gropius to designe the hotel as a crusier ship.


The sea without Sicily is not the story about holiday. The island itself has such a great history but there is not so many great places to be during the holiday. 

One of them for sure is Fiesta Sicilia Resort, the hotels with unique and sophisticated designe just 45km from Palermo, and 15km from Cefalù. 
This magnificent 4 star resort with beautiful Mediterranean landscape, offers guests modern and comfortable facilities for unforgettable vacation in the middle of the northern coast of Sicily Island.

The resort has a quiet and private beach,and represent a perfect place to enjoy unique family moments, a romantic getaway or fun vacations with friends. Lovers of the authentic Sicilian cuisine could also relax in the tropical garden with a wide range of activities. 

The Fiesta Sicilia Resort features 529 beautifully furnished guestrooms and suites, spread between the The Fiesta Hotel Athenée Palace and The Fiesta Hotel Garden Beach.

The complex has four grandiose swimming pools, surrounded by tropical gardens , and lined with sunbeds and parasols. All rooms in the hotel has got planty of space, and they are decorated in a palette of subtle colours and boast plenty of space.


The for short break between the business meeting or space for resting during the holiday travel. My first contact with the best hotels design, was before almost 35 years from now, with my summer holiday in Dubrovnik, and visit at that time one of the famous hotel on Dubrovnik riviera... today hotel Croatia in Cavtat.

Great location with carefully choosing place for hotel and pool. My first impression in that time was a thought, how great is to be in situation to draw a building in the nature in that way to protect the nature and in the same time to provide the best offer for the tourist to come , stay and enjoy that 10 or 15 days on the coast.


The flight to Cuba maybe is a long distance traveling but when you enter the island the existence disappear in a few hours.Varadero at Cuba island is the perfect place for Hotel location.

The location chosen for hotel is brilliant...The cristal blue sea ,and the coast with palm shade. The hotel Melia was a mirricle for itself. The atrium lobby with so spectaculary greenery that fulfill the whole loby in a green curtain, and the room mostly with sea view offers the great holiday expiriences.


From the perspective of an architect and passionate visitor of the hotels accommodation through the whole world , the best hotel is still the one with the good location, best functionality and with the conceptual designe. The hotel Melia was a really something special.

Its a holiday  In the past two-decade I'm a passionate traveler and visitor of the worlds most interesting hotels for a vacation. Ho...