Kompleks objekata Nacionalnog Kongresa Brazila
Grad Brazilija , koji je arhitekta Lucio Costa osmislio kao simbol ptice raširenih krila, slobodne i poletne zemlje Brazil, svoje težište u tom novom gradu, ima u kompleksu objekata Nacionalnog Kongresa Brazila. Pojava minimalizma u arhitekturi, bi se pored ustanovljenih principa, istraživačkih radova i stvaralačkih kreacija "Bauhaus" škole u Weimar-u, svakako mogla u kontekstu prikaza arhitektonskih kreacija, povezati sa objektima koje je Oscar Niemeyer projektovao u Braziliji.
The city of Brasilia, which was designed in master plann by architect Lucio Costa,as a symbol of the bird with outstretched wings, free and uplifting country Brazil, as its center of gravity, has a buildings complex of the National Congress of Brazil .
The emergence of minimalism in architecture, in addition to established principles, research and creative creation "Bauhaus" school in Weimar, the course could be viewed in the context of architectural creation, linked to the objects designed by Oscar Niemeyer in Brasilia.
Kompleks objekata Nacionalnog Kongresa Brazila predstavlja ogledni i ugledni primerak majstorske kreacije nastale povezivanjem funkcije i fizičke strukture u jedinstvenu kompoziciju koja je kao trajno nasledje naše civilizacije stavljanjem na WHC, tako i zvanično potvrdila svoj vanvremenski okvir.
The complex of buildings of the National Congress of Brazil is a role model of the masterpieces, created by connecting the functional and physical structure in a unique composition, that is a permanent legacy of Brasilian and world civilization placing the WHC, and with that fact officially confirmed its timeless frame.
The complex of buildings of the National Congress of Brazil is a role model of the masterpieces, created by connecting the functional and physical structure in a unique composition, that is a permanent legacy of Brasilian and world civilization placing the WHC, and with that fact officially confirmed its timeless frame.
Voda...kao simbol prirodnosti i osećaja lakoće za složene procese donošenja odluka koje se na vodi mogu lakše prihvatiti.
Water as a symbol of naturalness and sense of relaxation feelings, for complex decision-making processes that lead to easier to accept.
Water as a symbol of naturalness and sense of relaxation feelings, for complex decision-making processes that lead to easier to accept.
Minimalistički postament u funkciji unutrašnjeg javnog prostora...Kao skriven i javan u isto vreme sabirni i pozitivan prostor koji vodi ka objektima u kojima se donose značajne odluke za državu.Kula postavljena van težišta kompozicije ...sa jasnom namerom dominacije i ukazivanja na značaj postojanja potrebnih prostora za pripremu predstavnika naroda - Donjeg doma za sednice.
The minimalist pedestal in the function of the internal public space .At the same time hidden and visible, collecting and positive space that leads to the facilities in which to make important decisions for the Federative Republic of Brazil .Tower placed outside the focus of composition , with the clear intention of dominance, and point out the importance of the existence of the required space for the preparation of the representatives of the House of Commons session.
Polulopta - kapa mudrosti Senata sa leve, i tanjir- kao simbol mogućih socijalnih posledica nastalih na osnovu odluka donešenih u Parlamentu sa desne strane.
Hemisphere- the wisdom of the Senate cap on the left, and a plate - as a symbol of the potential social impact of decisions taken in Parliament on the right.
Rampa ka gornjem platou-postamentu kompleksa, ukazuje na Oscar-ovu želju za omogućavanjem direktne komunikacije gradjana - sa njihovim predstavnicima koji u tim objektima zasedaju.Država Brazil sa arhitekturom Oscar-a Niemeyer-a, na primeru projektovanja i realizacije kompleksa Congresso Nacional do Brasil, svoju poruku narodu Brazila ali i svetu, šalje na nedvosmisleno jasan i danas moderan način, primeren ambijentu, i potrebama, sa ciljem upravljanja državom iz fizičkih struktura koje obezbeđuju najviši nivo komunikacije sa okruženjem .
The ramp that leads to the upper plateau of the pedestal - complex, indicating Oscar's desire to enable direct communication between citizens - with their representatives who sit in those facilities.Brazil with the Niemeyer's design of the complex Congresso Nacional do Brasil, seending a clear and unequivocal message, that purpose of the design in a modern way, was in this case to achive the goal of suscessfull governance with states and district from the physical structures, that provide the highest level of communication with the people and environment.
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