Engineer & artist
Inženjer & umetnik
Arhitekturu kao "de facto" deo inženjerskog procesa, često prati i laički opis da je arhitektura = umetnost.Činjenica jeste da fizička struktura ne može nastati bez arhitekte kao rukovodioca procesa projektovanja i izgradnje objekta, baš kao što je i činjenica da arhitektura ne predstavlja umetničko delo, sem ako se vrednovanjem niza njenih umetnički primenjenih poteza i karakteristika, kao takva i prepozna .
Arhitektura na žalost ,ne podrazumeva uvek i proizvod koji predstavlja LEPO, ili strukturu koja ostavlja utisak o lepom.To pre svega zavisi od toga da li je arhitekta neko ko osećaj za lepo neguje i gradi i koji je arhitekturi posvećen jer je prosvećen, ili je neko ko je na fakultet zalutao, jer mu je neko rekao "da je biti arhitekta dobro, jer je i zarada laka "...
Arhitektonski fakulteti od svojih studenata najčešće proizvode INŽENJERA kojeg upoznaju sa različitim umetničkim aspektima arhitekture.Okolnosti u kojima se budući arhitekta nalazi pre, kao i okolnosti u kojima se nalazi posle školovanja, mogu ga uputiti u procese nadgradnje sopstvenog talenta , ali uprkos mnogima koji su fakultet i završili i koji se usudjuju da se predstavljaju kao arhitekti , samo oni koji su "svakoga dana u svakom, pogledu sve više napredovali" dobili su zasluženo mesto na arhitektonskoj svetskoj pozornici.
od tipografskog šegrta do Le Corbusier-ovog tehničara
from typographic apprentice to Le Corbusier's technicians
Architecture as a "de
facto" part of the engineering process, often accompanied by a layperson
description of the architecture = art .The fact is that the physical structure
can be inferred without architects as head of the design and construction of
the facility, as well as the fact that architecture is art offense, unless the
evaluation of a number of her artistic applied moves and features, and as such
Architecture unfortunately, does
not always provide or a structure that gives the impression with a product that
is beautiful,That depends primarily on whether the architect personal sense
about the architecture itself someone as someone who is committed to
architecture because he or she is enlightened to do that kind of job , or
someone who is taotaly lost in this profession because someone give him a bad
advice like " be an architect, because the earnings is easy " ...
Architectural colleges of their students often
produce ENGINEERS who are familiar with various aspects of arhitekture as an
art . Circumstances in which the architects goes throw life before, and after
graduation, can point you him or her in the process of upgrading their own talent, but despite the many of
them , who are dare to present themselves as architects, only those who are
" every day in every way architects, have a chance to advance " and to be in position to received the deserved
place in the architectural world stage.od tipografskog šegrta do Le Corbusier-ovog tehničara
from typographic apprentice to Le Corbusier's technicians
Tipografija - posao kojim se bavio njegov otac bila je svakako interesantan posao za mladog arhitektu koji pri obavljanju tog posla u funkciji šegrta dobija prve spoznaje o obrazcu reda ,simetrije i odnosa prema lepom.Ispostaviće se da je tokom perioda stvaranja njegovog najznačajnijeg arhitektonskog opusa upravo to bilo iskustvo na kojem je bazirao svoje postupanje u procesima projektovanja objekata .Veliko naglašeno red malih i tako nadalje .Ritam u slaganju slova ,posebnost u naglašavanju značajnih delova bio je ritam koji je mladi Oscar primio, prihvatio i ugradio u RITAM svoje arhitekture, na kako će ceo svet kasnije i saznati, jedan sasvim osoben Oscar-ovski način .
Prvi objekat od javnog značaja u čijem projektovanju je učestvovao kao arhitekta član tima bio je objekat Ministarstva zdravlja i obrazovanja izgrađen u Rio de Žaneiru 1936.godine.
Sa svojih 30 godina, ulogu člana tima koji razrađuje projekat Ministarstva zdravlja i obrazovanja u svojstvu tehničara, Oscar je prihvatio bez doze arogancije i nadmenosti i sa duhom iskusnog šegrt,a koji zna kako se kupljeno znanje kasnije može i iskoristiti.U tom smislu znao je da će mu u tom konkretnom poslu, tajne zanata biti na dohvat ruke.
first object of public interest in the design of which he participated as a
member of the team, was as the member of the architect team for the building of
the Ministry of Health and Education was built in Rio de Janeiro in 1936.
With its 30 years, his role in the team that develops the project of the
Ministry of Health and Education was mainly in technician way.But Oscar was accepted that role without a
dose of arrogance and haughtiness of spirit becouse he knew that an experienced of apprentice,
could later be bought and used in his future project .In this sense he knew that
the trade secrets in that particular project, will be in his fingertips, just if he could manage to be patient co - worker.And he was.Rukovodilac izrade projekta bio je niko drugi, do majstor arhitekture Le Corbusier lično i personalno. Za razliku od Niemeyer-a koji je itekako bio svestan značaja poštovanja odnosa na relaciji majstor - šegrt, sa voljom i željom da uspe, i ciljem da stvori svoju bazu praktičnog znanja posle faze sticanja fakultetske diplome, danas su na svetskoj arhitektonskoj pozornici retki oni arhitekti koji na početku svoje karijere, poseduju izgrađene odnose poštovanja i skromnost i pre svege iskrene želje za prihvatanjem saveta od iskusnih i starijih kolega , priznatih po broju i realizaciji njihovih projektovanih ili izvedenih objekata kojji su svoje postojanje opravdali, u prostori i vremenu u kojem obitavaju i služe za odvijanje različitih društvenih aktivnosti i funkcija .
Kupiti ulaznicu za društvo Lucia Coste i Le Corbusier-a, čak i u funkciji njihovog šegrta, bila je čast ali i mogućnost da mladi Oscar stekne značajnu referencu za sva njegova dalja angažovanja.Krive koje kasnije postaju njegov lični pečat, bile su prepoznatljive u delovima realizovanog projekta.Za ulogu tehničara u tako značajnom timu bilo je sasvim dovoljno.
Head of
project was none other than the master of architecture personally Le Corbusier
himself . Unlike Niemeyer's who was well aware of the importance of respect for
the relationship between a master - apprentice, with the will and desire to
succeed, and in order to create their practical knowledge base after the phase
of acquiring college degrees are now on the world stage of architectural those
rare architects that at the beginning of their careers, they have built relationships
of respect and humility, and above all sincere desire to take advice from
experienced and senior colleagues, recognized by and implementing their
designed or constructed buildings wich justify their existence in space and
time that belongs to and used to conduct various social activities and
Buy a ticket for such a team consist from a Lucio Costa and Le
Corbusier, even in the function of their apprentices, it was an honor and
opportunity for a young Oscar for acquire important reference for his further career .Curve who
later became his personal seal, were recognized in parts of this and his many implemented future project.
Mladi Oscar na samom početku svoje karijere principe koji se zasnivaju na ekološkom odnosu prema sredini u kojoj objekat nastaje vidi i na delu kao učesnik u stvaranju objekata koji zahvaljujući Le Corbusier-au imaju takav karakter.
Slobodne površine za komunikaciju u prizemlju objekata kombinovane sa zelenim parternim uređenim zonama u kombinaciji sa ravnim krovovima na objektu Ministarstva zdravlja i obrazovanja, su kao koncept prvi put bili primenjini u jednoj urbanoj sredini Južne Amerike.
Zelenilo i vodene površine bile su tako kod koji nedostaje za tada mladog arhitektu Oscara baš u pravom trenutku, pred njegovim značajnim angažovanjima u važnim graditeljskim poduhvatima koji su ga očekivali u dekadama koje dolaze.Projektovanja strogo geometrijski određene arhitekture nije bila njegova misija.Njegova saradnja sa Le Corbusier-om bila je od velikog značaja za izučavanje tajni zanata, ali je Oscar ipak želeo da realizuje i materijalizuje ono što mnogi u svojim karijerama nisu uspeli.
Svet koji se vekovima zasnivao na pravim linijama i uglovima od 90 stepeni Oscar je uz pomoć lenjira i šestara crtao iz njemu tako osobenih uglova, sa linijama koje ga podsećaju na reke Brazila i obalu njemu omiljenog zaliva i grada Ria.
Svet koji se vekovima zasnivao na pravim linijama i uglovima od 90 stepeni Oscar je uz pomoć lenjira i šestara crtao iz njemu tako osobenih uglova, sa linijama koje ga podsećaju na reke Brazila i obalu njemu omiljenog zaliva i grada Ria.
Young Oscar at the very beginning
of his career made his own principles of which are based on environment in
which the object was created and the space around them as a participant in the
creation of objects,the rules that he implemented in future thanks to Le
Corbusier and his team.
Free surface of the ground
communication facilities combined with a green parterre landscaped areas in
conjunction with a flat roof on the building of the Ministry of Health and
Education, was a concept made up for the first time in urban city center of
South America.
Vegetation and water surfaces were
also missing at that location, and young architect Oscar , in front of his
significant master of architecture project such an unique roof that predicted
the need in the decades that comes.Planning with strictly geometrical specific
architecture was not his mission .His cooperation with Le Corbusier was of
great importance for the study of architectural secrets, but Oscar intentions was
to materialize something new and important for the Brazil and for the whole
architectural world scene.
World that for centuries was based on straight
lines and angles of 90 degrees Oscar with ruler and compass draw from it so
distinctive angles, the lines that remind him of the River of Brazil and the
Gulf coast and his favorite city of Rio.
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