Tuesday 27 June 2023

Its a holiday 

In the past two-decade I'm a passionate traveler and visitor of the worlds most interesting hotels for a vacation. Hotels as a theme, became my architectural focus, mostly because of my graduated project for MSc at the Belgrade University ,which was a design for a hotel in Kragujevac / Serbia.

Hotel Adams Beach / Ayia Napa

Cyprus represents one of the most visited touristic destinations in the Mediterranean, and the reason for this is primarily the crystal clear and azure water, but also the fairy-tale rocks, as well as the world-famous resort of Aya Nappi, which is home to one of the most beautiful hotels in the world, Adams Beach Hotel 

Cyprus is an island and state with great people, nature, history, and most of all the place with the world's best Hotels like Adams Beach Hotel at Aya Napa. The high-class complex with its own bay with clean waters and unique outdoor pools with waterfalls, an open jacuzzi, and special pools for children. Imagine more than 150 palm trees around you that make you like you are in the Caribbean sea despite that you are in the Mediteran. 



If you could imagine a cruiser that is eventually docked in a beautiful bay in Ayia Napa it will be like staying at the Adams Bech Hotel which deserves all recommendations, especially for families with children, and also quite special wing accommodations for adults without children.

The hotel's owner famous Cyprian family Kitazos is responsible for every great moment that you will have staying on his premises and you won't regret a minute or penny for choosing this hotel.

If you want to visit Cyprus choose Adams Bech Hotel at Agiya Napa and you will be delighted with the hotel and personnel that will make your holidays mesmerized that will spontaneously invite you to go back there in the future.

Monday 13 March 2023

A' Design Award and Competition

 A' Design Award and Competition

 is one of the World’s largest, most prestigious and influential design accolades, one of the highest achievements in design. A' Design Award Winner Logo, symbolizes exceptional design excellence in your products, projects and services.





Friday 9 September 2022

Cyprus...is waiting for you 

A very special island at the crossroads of waterways and air routes of Europe, Africa and the Middle East with traces of prehistoric habitat and countless conquests in the Middle Ages due to its God-given position for trade and influence in this part of the world, today it represents the pearl of the Mediterranean whose northern part has been cut off by the occupation of Turkey from 1974


The island that was inhabited even in the Neolithic era with today's artifacts exhibited in the National Museum in Nicosia undoubtedly indicates the connection of that culture and people with the population of Europe in those times and especially with today's Serbia, comparing the artifacts of Vinča culture (named after the largest locality Belo Brdo - Vinča part of today's Belgrade) with archaeological objects found in Cyprus.


The struggle for the freedom of Cyprus, inspired by their turbulent past, was recorded in the book of famous Cypriot writer Mr. Savas Kokkinos, whom you can still meet today in his shop in the pedestrian zone in Nicosia. 


Today, Cyprus represents one of the most visited touristic destinations in the Mediterranean, and the reason for this is primarily the crystal clear and azure water, but also the fairy-tale rocks, as well as the world-famous resort of Aya Nappi, which is home to one of the most beautiful hotels in the world, Adams Beach Hotel https://www.adams.com.cy/




Tuesday 26 October 2021

Casa do Baile/ Pampulha

            Najplodonosnija faza u  projektantskom opusu Niemeyer-a,   koja se ogleda u realizovanim  značajnim javnim objektima u  Braziliji, nije bio njegov prvi veliki slučajni posao koji je dobio po službenoj dužnosti .Da bi za tako značajne objekte bio pozvan da ih kao arhitekta i osmisli, bilo je potrebno da se mladi Oscar pokaže na delu prilikom poziva da projektuje  pet objekata ( casino, ekskluzivni club, sala za igranje , crkva i hotel ) na obali veštačkog jezera u Pampulha-e , koje mu je u tom trenutku obavljajući funkciju gradonačelnika Belo Horizontea, naručio upravo Kubitschek (predsednikom Brazila u vreme izgradnje novog glavnog grada Brazila - Brazilije).
Set naručenih projekata, predstavljao je celinu, čiju sinteznu nit  pre svega karakterišu oblici i potezi, koji uprkos njegovoj mladosti i ne velikom iskustvu vodjenim pre svega velikim talentom i ogromnom količinom kreativnog naboja , projektuje uspešno i osobeno u takvom obimu, da mu je upravo ta  saradnja,  kasnije omogućila preuzmanje  najznačajnije  uloge u njegovom životu - uloge glavnog arhitekte Brazila.
Tandem Niemeyer-Kubitschek u Belo Horizonteu, kreće u svoje prve osvajačke pohode ka ispisivanju najznačajnijih stranica istorije arhitekture 20.veka.

The most fruitful stage in Niemeyer's designing opus, which is reflected in realized significant public buildings in Brasilia, for sure  was not his first project on the one of the mayor public scene in the world.One of his first chance was in fact, an invitations to design five facilities (casino, an exclusive club, dancing hall, a church and a hotel) on the banks of the artificial lake of Pampulha that Kubitschek in that time mayor of Belo Horizonte, later president of Brazil during the construction of the new capital of Brazil - Brasilia was intend to build.
A set of project - a five omnibus  architectural concepts , whose synthetic filament was primarily characterized by forms and moves, despite his youth and lack of experience, was a five pieces of huge amount of creative energy,successful projects that has been an excellence chance for him to extented his cooperation with Kubitschek, who has been in position to give him  the highest role in his life - the role of the main architects of Brazil.
Duo Kubitschek - Niemeyer in Belo Horizonte, moving into their first conquests to the writing of the most important pages in the history of 20th century architecture.

Svaki početak u karijeri beleži upravo ono što Vi suštinski i jeste.
Lični stvaralački senzibilitet, projektovan u oblike koji nastaju potezima upravo Vaše olovke (miša), postaju obeležje Vašeg stila, koji se može pročitati u svemu onome što će te kasnije stvarati, ne povezujući nikada svesno prve korake sa svim što kasnije sledi .Oscarova "kriva" linija  nije slučajno prisutna u njegovim radovima u Pampulji .Ona je tu zbog vode ,talasa ali i oblina  devojaka koje je video na podijumima klubova u tom ili nekom drugom gradu. Ženski torzo  je u retkim intervjuima koje je davao pominjao kao poseban vid inspiracije za stvaranje svojih projekata.

The first steps in the career record for exactly what you essentially are. Personal creative sensibilities, designed in forms that occur exactly as your pen strokes on paper (mouse on screen ) become the hallmark of your style, which can be easilly read in all that you will create later, never consciously linking yours first steps with all that follows later. Oscar " radial " line is not accidentally present in his works in Pampula. Maybe it is there because of the water and nature , or maybe as a simbol of the  girls bodies  that he could seen on stage at the clubs in that, or some other city such as Rio , what he was always  love to mentioned as the main inspiration simbol for the creation for his  projects. 

Krug iz kojeg izlazi pozitivna  energija koja se kreće ka prirodi ,vodenoj površini koja ga kao savršeni postament prihvata za gosta .Naizgled komplikovan i bez potrebe razudjen objekat , u stvari predstavlja krajnje sveden i konkretan oblik muške polne ćelije-spertmatozoida, u okruženju koje i jeste njen prirodni ambijent -vodi.

Sala za igranje na malom ostrvu,  "igra" na vodenim talasima.
Delo majstora koji svoj početak "igranja" sa oblicima, počinje malom ali jako ubedljivo ekspresivno - senzibilnom strukturom."Točak" Oscarov-ske arhitekture počeo je da se kotrlja.
Circle from which the positive energy that moves towards nature, the water surface,which he accepts as a perfect pedestal for the guest. Seemingly complicated and for the first look  without reasons jagged object, is in fact a highly reduced and the specific form of male sex cells-spertmatozoida in the environment and is its natural environment - water.Dance hall as a small island, plays on water waves.Work of a master who is just starting to  "play" with the forms, small but very convincing expressive - sensible structure . "Wheel" of the Oscar's architecture began to roll.

Ritam muzike iz enterijera sale za ples, prenosi se na otvoreni prostor pored vode... Šetnja zaljubljenog para "palubom" broda sa cvetovima za dragu na dohvat ruke , ispunjava svu svrhu kreiranja objekta sa asocijacijom na kretanje muške jajne ćelije koja novi život može udahnuti, upravo nadahnuta ambijentom kreiranom od strane Niemeyer-a . 
Scenografija koju na početku svoje karijere stvaraju ruke budućeg majstora arhitekture  ali očito i velikog poznavaoca socijalnih interakcija, bila je za njega verovatno posao iz snova  koji je odsanjao tako, da i danas možemo uživati u pogledima upućenih ka ovom  pre svega sa svojom simbolikom u osnovi jedinstvenom objektu .

Rhythm of the music from the dance hall interior fly to an open area near the water ...
Couple of lovers walk in love on the "deck" of the boat with flowers for a sweetheart at your fingertips fulfills all the purposes of creating an object with an association with the movement of the sperm cells that could breathe a new life, just inspired by the ambience created by Niemeyer's.Scenography designed in the early-stage of his working years, but a master piece of an architect and in the same time  of an  great connoisseur of social interaction, it was probably for him a dream job that he live in reality.Dream  in which we could enjoy,  by focusing the views in a direction of his architecture as a symbol of nature with direct association on a fertility .

bravisimo maestro Niemeyer

Thursday 21 October 2021

Smart Grid & Green Energy Systems

Event on: November | 15-16 | 2021

It is my honor to inform all my colleagues and friends' that I have been invited as an honorable Speaker at the International Webinar on Smart Grid & Green Energy Systems

The information about Conference and my presence as an invited speaker

I will be present with a Title : Hotel Falcon a future new green building in GCC

at  the Sesion : Green Buildings and Green Architecture

My dearest friends and colleagues, please feel free to join me at the webinar

For any info about the Webinar please contact  Mr. Michael John Program Manager | Green Energy 2021 at smartgrid@crgmeetings.com




Its a holiday  In the past two-decade I'm a passionate traveler and visitor of the worlds most interesting hotels for a vacation. Ho...